Joining Norman Reedus are Lea Seydoux, Mads Mikaelson, Guillermo Del Toro and even Conan O Brien in a smaller role. The cast of Death Stranding is absolutely star-studded, reflecting the lofty reputation Kojima now holds amongst Hollywood stars. Humanity has broken up into underground bunkers, with terrorists and bandits patrolling the routes in-between them.

Due to this event, rainfall now causes rapid aging and the landscape is infested by spectral beings known as BTs. Our protagonist is Sam Bridges, a porter delivering goods between disconnected human settlements in an America that has become fractured by an event known as the Death Stranding. The difficult thing about reviewing Death Stranding is that they are both right. Death Stranding divided critical opinion upon its release with some people calling it a tiresome slog, and others calling it an auteurial work of Kojima’s genius. This is clearly on display with Death Stranding: a particularly bizarre story about Norman Reedus walking across a post-apocalyptic wasteland with a telepathic baby in tow, powered by chugging an unhealthy amount of energy drinks.

If anything he’s only gotten more idiosyncratic with age. Hideo Kojima is one of the OG gaming auteurs who bullishly charges ahead with his own style and message with every game he makes. Death Stranding: Director’s Cut Review: On a Whole New Beach